These are factors that could be managed by alteration in land use practices in these catchments. Risk Pricing Standardisation Automated Self-Assessment Information Sharing Intuitive Reporting Counterparty Confidence EFI Implement a continuous KYC policy with monthly risk assessments. We have developed a program with the Australian National University, are building our business of writing for corporate clients’ websites and publications, and have brought on three Senior Writers. The Elucidate FinCrime Index (EFI) analyses information across multiple institutions turning data into actionable intelligence.

We are starting a new blog ‘The Curious One’, looking beyond academic research into real-world ideas and trends. Achieve regulatory compliance, empower your teams to focus on scalibility and afficiency, while automating EDD and customer onboarding. Our primary product offering, the Elucidate FinCrime Index. In addition, stream hydrograph separation using isotopic techniques have provided an insight into sources of stream flow generation and the rate and flow path of water (and salt) movement to streams following rainfall events. Elucidate is now in a process of immense change. Elucidate FinCrime Index FinCrime Index Financial Crime Risk Pricing Financial Crime Risk Pricing FinCrime Risk Monitor FinCrime Risk Monitor. A financial crime risk quantification platform enabling fincrime risk to be identified, mitigated and managed in real time for your FinTech and everyone you do business with. Elucidate is a RegTech/RiskTech start-up based in Berlin building an.

Results from the study have provided considerable insight into likely recharge zones and dominant salt concentration mechanisms, and have proved useful in the 'fingerprinting' of particular groundwater provenances. Stream hydrograph separation based on deuterium and chloride concentrations was used to study stream flow generation and to estimate the extent of salt export from the catchments. Environmental isotopes used include the radioactive isotopes 238U and its decay product 234U, 36Cl, tritium ( 3H), and the stable isotopes deuterium ( 2H), 18O, and 13C. Explore ratings, reviews, pricing, features. Employee: Shane Riedel Title: CEO and Co-Founder. The catchments were selected for study as they are typical of the dryland salinized catchments in the region. Elucidate user reviews from verified software and service customers. Elucidate is a RegTech/RiskTech firm building an innovative SaaS-based solution for Financial Crime. A range of isotopic techniques and geochemical methods has been used to investigate the mechanisms of solute concentration and surface and groundwater flow processes in selected small (<10 km 2) catchments in New South Wales, Australia. Nico co-founded an Internet Application Service Provider for the Healthcare industry in 1998 and helped take the business to the point of acquisition.